In addition to improved macros, we have also introduced the rule planner feature in the current release. It helps you to schedule periods when to apply and when to skip rules.
Rule Planner from now on
Until mid-March 2020, only our insiders — a team of marketing experts who helped us test new features — were allowed to use the rule planner. We would like to thank them for their help. We also announce that the rule planner is now available for all Mergado users.
On the Rules page, for each rule that supports scheduling, you will find a new icon that takes you to its schedule settings page.
How the Mergado rule planner works
The rule planner has three levels of settings:
1. For the rule, the planner is either active or inactive.
2. The validity of a plan may be limited by the date:
- Date from: The daily scheduler takes effect from that date.
- Date to: The daily scheduler takes effect until this date.
3. The daily scheduler is there to set the rule function for each day of the week separately. We have divided days into six four-hour periods, where you can choose whether the rule should apply.
What is important to know
- The rule must be enabled for the planner to do what you want it to do.
- The planner cannot force the paused rule to be applied.
Setting example
For example, you might want to set up a rule Set a gift to apply the rule only from 12:00 to 24:00 on Friday, April 1, 2020, and then every Saturday and Sunday. Before April 1, 2020, the rule will always apply by default. And then, as of May 1, the rule will always skip.

Try the planner and automate rules planning processes. We are interested in your opinion — we will be happy to read your feedback.
More news from release March 18, 2020
The rule planner and macros were not the only news that the current release has brought. Read their detailed summary in our forum.
Quarantine does not slow our work — quite the contrary. And we’ll do our best to make your advertising run better and better. Learn the basic tasks in Mergado so you can dive into the advanced ones.
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