Are you considering advertising on the Kelkoo Group search engine? The European pioneer among product comparison sites will bring products of your online store closer to shoppers in 26 countries around the world. Advertise your products on Kelkoo Group — you will simplify the purchase process for the end customer and penetrate several markets at once. Find out everything you need to get started on the Kelkoo Group.
Sell worldwide with Kelkoo Group
The Kelkoo Group service serves customers to search for products of online stores and brings them the best price among competing brands. It provides advertisers with targeted traffic, with the help of which they can effectively increase the number of orders.
In 2017, Kelkoo also became Google’s first premium CSS partner. Kelkoo Group thus ensures that 100% of the retailer’s bid in Google Shopping enters the auction, while Google Shopping takes about a 20% margin from each bid. Thanks to the partnership with Kelkoo Group, online stores benefit from traffic of the same quality as Google Shopping, they use the same platform for advertising, but they achieve significant savings.