Smart value insertion works in two modes
1. Insert values on the left side of the rule if you need to use data copied from one column.
We have added the ability to smart insert values to the Mergado rules Rename categories in bulk and Bulk rewriting by value. It inserts the clipboard data split directly into individual rows.
1. Insert values on the left side of the rule if you need to use data copied from one column.
2. Inserting values into both sides of the rule will help you get the values from the two copied columns into the left and right columns correctly.
Take advantage of other useful features that Mergado rules offer:
You may encounter a situation where a comma is the separator in the text of the first column:
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Copywriter and content specialist Alžběta combines her writing skills with her passion for journalism and sociology, which she studies. Her work focuses on creating quality content and communication that resonates with her target audience. When she’s not at work or school, she enjoys dancing, yoga, or spending time with her cat, who always keeps her on her toes.