smart value insertion article

We have added the ability to smart insert values to the Mergado rules Rename categories in bulk and Bulk rewriting by value. It inserts the clipboard data split directly into individual rows.

Smart value insertion works in two modes

1. Insert values on the left side of the rule if you need to use data copied from one column.

2. Inserting values into both sides of the rule will help you get the values from the two copied columns into the left and right columns correctly.

Take advantage of other useful features that Mergado rules offer:

  • prefill values button will prefill the original categories from the input feed in one click
  • a button for exporting data to CSV makes it easy to transfer tabular data

An example of how to use smart value insertion in practice:

  1. For the Bulk rewriting by value rule, set the elements on the left and right side of the rule.
  2. Then we just need to use the button to prefill the left side of the data (i.e. the data from the selected element is filled in).
  3. We can then download the data as a CSV (using the appropriate button above the form).
  4. Open the CSV in a “spreadsheet program” such as Excel, Calc or even Google spreadsheet.
  5. Here we can add the data for the right-hand side of the rule in the second column (and in doing so we can use the functions of the program, from calculations to translations, etc.).
  6. We clean up the rows of the rule.
  7. Finally, we copy the data of both columns and paste them into the rule. The smart paste will split the data flawlessly into both sides of the rule.


You may encounter a situation where a comma is the separator in the text of the first column:

  • The data would not be inserted correctly in this case by smart insertion.
  • The solution is to enclose the text in quotation marks.
  • This way you can get the values into the columns without any problems.

Mergado will make most of the tasks of setting up your listing faster and more accurate

Use our Editor:

  • It will simplify the administration of all feed management processes, so you can focus on other essential tasks of your business.
  • Plus, you can manage more than 650 sales channels in 50 countries from one place.
  • Thousands of Mergado users use it to comply with all advertising channel rules and can automatically update product data. The result is effective advertising that you set up yourself without having to employ a programmer.
Mergado with a 30-day free trial
  • optimize your feed by yourself and save the cost for the developer’s time
  • full access to all features already in the trial version

Alžběta Kocmanová

Copywriter and content specialist Alžběta combines her writing skills with her passion for journalism and sociology, which she studies. Her work focuses on creating quality content and communication that resonates with her target audience. When she’s not at work or school, she enjoys dancing, yoga, or spending time with her cat, who always keeps her on her toes.