Set up feed updates according to your needs with new regeneration scheduler in Mergado

Lukáš Horák
15. 6. 2023
3 minutes read

Need to set up product data updates at the times you need it most for your project? Until now, MERGADO Editor has done this automatically as part of feed regeneration.

Need to set up product data updates at the times you need it most for your project? Until now, MERGADO Editor has done this automatically as part of feed regeneration. Now you can use the scheduler to create your own schedule when your data feeds will automatically update themselves. Let’s take a closer look at the new feature.

Choose your own times when you want MERGADO to regenerate your data

The feed regeneration ensures that the product data is as up-to-date as possible in the output from MERGADO (e.g. corresponds to the current state of prices, inventory, etc.). MERGADO Editor used to schedule it automatically according to the frequency of changes in the input feed. This is how it currently defaults as well.

If you start using the re-generation scheduler function you get the possibility to schedule updates of the output feeds to times that match the specific needs of your online trading system.


  • You know that the advertising system you use updates product data at specific times.
  • So there is a risk that MERGADo’s automatic re-generation could start processing your input feed too early.
  • THEREFORE: With the new manual scheduler feature, you simply specify the time you want your feeds to start re-generating.

What the current version of the Rescheduler can do

The basic version of the manual planner offers the option to set up automatic re-generation — three times a day at specific hours with a minimum time interval of 4 hours. At the selected time slots, your project will be re-generated every day.

Important information:

  • The current version of the planner is free. In the future, we will start offering it as a paid service. 
  • The feature is only available for projects in MERGADO 2
  • The scheduler sets the time when the project is queued for re-generation. The final re-generation time may vary!
  • The setting is in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) time. 
  • Regeneration is only valid for a given project.
  • If you set up a re-generation only once per day, the running of applications from the MERGADO Store may be affected.


  1. What time slots are best suited for your online system? Contact our support team to help us improve the re-generation scheduler.
  2. The queue for processing projects with set re-generation time is smaller than for all other projects. In case you only need to re-generate once or twice a day, this setting is more convenient for you.

Where can I change the regeneration time

In the MERGADO Editor, you can change the time in this way: Settings -> Regeneration -> Regeneration Settings -> Regeneration Schedule -> Edit.

Re-generation scheduler — just select the specific time period you want to re-generate.

How we will proceed with feature enhancements

Try out the re-generation scheduler and let us know what you think about using it in this forum thread or on our support page. We’ll analyze it thoroughly, but we’ll also listen to your feedback on what the next version should include.

Not using MERGADO 2 yet?

With MERGADO 2, you can make advertising on hundreds of advertising platforms even more precise. We’ve made many big and small changes to make your existing work faster and easier. During the summer of 2023, we will gradually start the automatic conversion of all projects from the original to the new version of MERGADO Editor. See when you can expect it and how to best prepare for working in MERGADO 2 now.

The upgraded version of the MERGADO Editor brings many useful features and tools that will make you a capable partner for data feed management. Are you still setting up your or your client’s online store advertising manually? Try MERGADO for 30 days for free and get an idea of wherever it will save you work.

Mergado with a 30-day free trial
  • optimize your feed by yourself and save the cost for the developer’s time
  • full access to all features already in the trial version

Read more:

Lukáš Horák

Lukáš takes care of most of the Czech and English communication in Mergado. Through blogs, e‑mail, and social networks, he regularly supplies readers with e‑commerce news and news and tips from Mergado. In his time off, he enjoys simple things like badminton, digging the hidden gems of the 80’s, and seafood served with red wine.