Convert currency conveniently with Mergado

Lukáš Horák
23. 5. 2019
2 minutes read

With the increasing number of Mergado foreign users, we often get questions on how to simply convert currencies. There are two ways how to convert the currency in Mergado. Let’s describe them.

With the increasing number of Mergado foreign users, we often get questions on how to simply convert currencies. There are two ways how to convert the currency in Mergado. Let’s describe them.

Converting currency is easy

1. An element containing a prize does not contain currency

If the element containing the amount to be converted does not contain currency (it is an ordinary digit, e.g. 249), just add a simple calculation rule. Use this rule to calculate the amount with a specific coefficient, or a variable from Bidding Fox Elements app. BFE is a handy app that adds new elements to Mergado. Some of them contain daily updated coefficients of the exchange rate list.


In the rule (see fig.1), the conversion is 0.123. In the calculation field, is given the variable containing the price times the coefficient — hence: %G_PRICE%*0.123.

If Bidding Fox Elements is enabled on this export, it adds new variables to that (see fig.2) — instead of the coefficient 0.123, the variable from BFE is used. E.g.: %G_PRICE%*%BFE_C_EUR_US% (where %BFE_C_EUR_USD% is the variable containing the actual EUR to USD conversion factor).

2. An element containing a prize contains currency

If the element containing the amount to be converted includes the currency (for Google Shopping, Facebook, etc., it is: EUR 249), it’s not just a number, but a text chain. In this case, currency conversion requires a few extra steps.


  1. First, you must temporarily remove the currency — add a Find and Replace rule where you enter currency in the Find field (including a space that is before and after the currency) and replace it with nothing — so the Replace field remains blank. This removes the “text” currency, leaving only the number as the element value.
  2. Follow the same procedure as in the first method — add a calculation rule where you recalculate the amount with a specific coefficient or variable from Bidding Fox Elements.
  3. Add a second rule if needed to round off the amount (e.g. to tenths).
  4. Fill in the currency — this time by the Overwrite rule, wherein the field for the new value enter the variable containing the converted amount and add the currency to it. For example: %G_PRICE% USD.

Eliminate the currency conversion problem forever. With Mergado you can do it in a few steps. Take advantage of Bidding Fox Elements app to improve your advertising optimization and performance.

Lukáš Horák

Lukáš takes care of most of the Czech and English communication in Mergado. Through blogs, e‑mail, and social networks, he regularly supplies readers with e‑commerce news and news and tips from Mergado. In his time off, he enjoys simple things like badminton, digging the hidden gems of the 80’s, and seafood served with red wine.