mergado for agencies

Marketing agencies tend to have dozens of clients and manage large numbers of campaigns for thousands of products. Setting them all up manually? Utopia. That’s why more than 150 Czech agencies use Mergado, which allows them to set up advertising in bulk and automatically without wasting time and money. Let’s take a look at the most common reasons why agencies find it worthwhile to use our feed editor on a regular basis.

In 70% of cases, Mergado is paid for by the online store owners and in 30% by the agencies themselves. Below you will find all the advantages of working with this tool, which you can use when explaining to your client why Mergado is beneficial and makes sense to pay for it.

The main reasons why it is worthwhile for a marketing agency to use Mergado

1. Expanding your portfolio of services

  • With a tool like Mergado, you don’t just offer a review of your established advertising at one time, but straight away expand your services to include the whole process of analysis, connection and subsequent management
  • With Mergado’s knowledge, you gain the ability to expose your client’s products not only on Facebook and Google, but also on 650+ other channels across the world
  • Your big weapon is also the Feed Audit. You can use it to check your client’s portfolio before you start working with them, or offer a data health check as an extra service. 
mergado reference for agencies

2. Reduce waiting times 

  • You don’t have to wait for programmers. You become one yourself, so you can edit product data that until now had to be reprogrammed by an internal IT employee. 
  • You don’t even have to wait for client modifications. They simply become programmers too, so they can quickly and easily modify product data as needed and you can get on with managing your listings without waiting.
  • With Mergado, you work in an automated way. You don’t have to manually edit hundreds or thousands of products every time something changes. 
mergado reference for agencies

3. Get quality data and increase performance

  • Thanks to quality data (if you have correctly filled in elements like EAN, PRODUCTNAME, CATEGORYTEXT but also images, descriptions, parameters, availability or price of the product) and automated feed management, you can deliver better performance in advertising.
  • You have an overview of the data you are sending to the advertisement. You can easily look at them and segment them as needed — for example, by seasonalitymargins or current marketing campaigns.
  • You can also check what data you’re sending to Mergado and what data you’re sending to advertising portals. 
  • With quality data, you’ll increase your conversion rate at a lower cost.
  • Want to target new customers with another ad portal? With Mergado, you can easily display your product catalogue on a new channel.
  • By leveraging automation, you’ll have more time for other marketing activities such as branding, nurturing abandoned campaigns, opening a new channel or expanding into a new region.
reference mergado for agencies

4. Simple account management between agency and client

  • Multiple agency staff can work on one account at the same time thanks to permissions.
  • This way, it can’t happen that one employee takes a vacation, doesn’t hand over the work, and the entire ad stops working.
mergado for agencies feedback

5. Free support to help with anything 

  • Mergado’s quality support services are one of the benefits that agencies praise the most.
  • Support service is completely free
  • Mergado also organizes free webinars that will easily teach you how to work with Mergado and its extensions. This is also a great way to improve your skills or train newcomers on your team for free
mergado feedback for agencies

Mergado brings many benefits to agency staff every day, allowing them to not only simplify their work, but also to reach new customers and satisfy existing ones on a regular basis. Join our users. Still hesitating? Sign up for a free call with one of our specialists, where we’ll explain exactly how Mergado can help your online store.

Veronika Kusalíková

A copywriter and content specialist Veronika is in charge of the English content and communication. She spreads the word about Mergado and e‑commerce on our blog and social media. After she shuts her computer down, you can catch her knitting a sweater, strolling around second-hand shops or traveling.